tip 10 hitomaru nasil bir tanktir

Tip 10 Hitomaru Nasıl Bir Tanktır? « Bilgiustam

Japon ordusu, silahlı kuvvetlerinin 21. yüzyıl savaşı için daha uygun ve hazır bir tanka ihtiyaç duyduğunu düşündü. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries tarafından inşa edilen aracın ilk prototipi, 13 Şubat 2008’de Sagamihara’daki Teknoloji Araştırma ve Geliştirme Enstitüsü’nde (TRDI) tanıtıldı. Japon Savunma Bakanlığı, 2009 sonlarında resmen imzalayarak gördüklerini beğendiğini onayladı. ... Tip 11 Zırhlı Kurtarma Aracı (ARV), şu anda Tip 10 Hitomaru’nun tek varyantıdır. Gizle

Type 10 Hitomaru Main Battle Tank - Tank Encyclopedia

The barrel is also tipped with a muzzle reference sensor. Mounted on the right of the muzzle, this sensor is designed to detect any amount of warp in the barrel. Secondary armament consists a coaxial Type 74 7.62 mm machine gun and a .50 cal Browning M2HB mounted on the roof in front of the commander’s position. ... The Type 11 Armored Recovery Vehicle (ARV), is currently the only variant of the Type 10 Hitomaru. The driver and commander share a single compartment on the left front of the vehicle. On the right is a large heavy-lift boom. ... 15 replies on “Type 10 Hitomaru Main Battle Tank”. Andrewsays: March 16, 2017 at 20:09. Gizle

Type 10 - Wikipedia

The Type 10 (10式戦車, Hitomaru-shiki sensha) is a fourth generation main battle tank of JSDF produced by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries for the Japanese Ground Self Defense Force, entering service in 2012. Compared with other currently-serving main battle tanks in the JGSDF, the Type 10 has been equipped with enhancements in its capability to respond to anti-tank warfare and other contingencies. Gizle

How Good Is the Type 10 Tank? – Answers More

How much does a Type 10 tank cost? What tanks do the JSDF use? Is the Type 90 a leopard? Who makes the K2 Black Panther tank? How fast can an Abrams go in reverse? Is Japan preparing for war? Do the Japanese have tanks? Is there a Type 10 tank in Japan? Is there a Type 10 Hitomaru armored recovery vehicle? ... What are the dimensions of a Type 10 Hitomaru? Type 10 is a next generation main battle tank (MBT) of Japan Self-Defense Forces. It is relatively new – Type 10 has been in service since 2012. It is fast, reliable and technologically advanced. It’s been specially designed to be effective in Japan. How much does a Type 10 tank cost? Gizle

Type-10 Hitomaru - Page 16 - General & Upcoming - War Thunder - Official Forum

So that "analysis" and "conclusion" as to why and how Type 10 KEP while weighting 0.2kg more and with MPa rating of 640 somehow goes from 1740m/s MV of DM43 to near 2000m/s is just ridiculous. So we observe a 0.75x ratio between MPa and muzzle velocity on DM53s example, if DM43 is our anchor/point of start when it comes to muzzle velocity and if we apply the ratio we got from DM53s example, the MV of Type 10 KEP given its MPa rating should increase by roughly ~45m/s. Gizle

Type-10 Hitomaru : TankPorn

Hitomaru shiki sugoi desu ga? Alternatively, My Main Battle Tank Can't Possibly Be This Cute! Japanese and Weeb jokes aside, the Type 10 is my favorite of the current tanks. As my flair might suggest (I actually hunted down the pic to use for the flair as max couldn't find one). permalink. ... Use the hatches as a reference for how far back the crew module goes in the Type 90 turret. The frontal sloping arc is only a very small part of the turret. It's still a lot better protected than with the Type 10's armor layout. Gizle

Type 10 | Tanktastic Wiki | Fandom

The Type 10 (10式戦車 Hitomaru-shiki sensha) is an advanced Japanese main battle tank. It became the 4th-generation military tank that the Japan Ground Self Defense Force has been equipped with, and boasts significant enhancements in its capability to respond to anti-tank warfare, mobile strikes, special operations force attacks, and other contingencies. The first prototype was unveiled in 2008 and the only complaint has been the readiness of the intelligence C4I system to participate in field trials. In... Gizle

The Type 10 “Hitomaru”...the Most "Modern" Tank in the World....

The newest, "most modern" MBT to roam the earth belongs to the Japanese! The Japanese Type 10 is hardly ever mentioned when it comes to the top tanks but by rights probably should be. It checks all the boxes, and has many features not found on other Western tanks. Want to see real bias? Gizle

In Development: Type 10 Hitomaru | Armored Warfare - Official Website | Learn More About This Upcoming Japanese Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank

Without further ado, here you have it – the Type 10 Main Battle Tank! scr1. Type 10 MBT. The Type 10 MBT is one of the most expensive but also most modern tanks in the world. Designed to complement another relatively modern MBT, the Type 90, the Type 10 started replacing the considerably older Type 74 tanks in active service since 2010. ... They are sure to change and should only be discussed as an indicator of how we’d like to set the vehicle up. scr2. Click the image to open a larger version. Gizle